Orthodontic Treatment and Pain Management

One of the most commonly asked questions dentists receive is “will it hurt?” The answer to this question varies among patients because each mouth is unique and everyone has various perceptions of pain. And yes braces can make the teeth, and the surrounding gum tissues in your mouth sore. The good news is that patients respond well to simple pain management strategies. Here are some pain management strategies when you have pain and discomfort due to braces and how to make your experience more comfortable.

Receiving Braces

As you get used to your new braces, your teeth will usually be sensitive and you may experience a dull pain for the first week. Dentists often recommend that patients go on a soft diet during the initial adjustment period. Usually, patients need pain management practices after each time your braces are tightened as well. If the pain is intolerable, you can buy over-the-counter pain relievers such as Ibuprofens. Some patients also find rinsing their teeth with warm saltwater is helpful for pain management.

Orthodontic Treatment Options

Metal Braces

Metal braces are the most traditional type of braces which are made out of metal brackets attached to the middle of every tooth. Your teeth shift consistently and the wiring needs to be modified accordingly. The modifications are slight but can cause discomfort and pain.

Ceramic Braces

These braces are similar to metal braces except that the materials used are made out of ceramics. The ceramics help lessen demineralization that often happens to the teeth with traditional metal braces. Pain management strategies are similar for these kinds of braces.

Lingual Braces

These are metal braces attached to the back of every tooth. Patients may feel that their teeth are more sore on the on the back rather on the front. However, pain is very minimal and will go away very quickly.

Pain Management with Braces

Pain management is simple when it comes to braces. A lot of people get braces every year and millions deal with little discomfort, if there is any. If you have a braces emergency, consult your dentist for orthodontic treatment immediately. An emergency usually come with lip and cheek pain, loose bands and brackets, poking wires, missing elastic tie and accidents that cause trauma to your mouth. Many patients find that having braces is easy and the gorgeous smile they receive at the end of treatment is worth all the hassle.

Categories: Braces Oral Health
Jay Dugoni:
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